Anthony Llewellyn, B Med Sci MB BS FRANZCP MHA GAICD

Contributing Editor

Dr. Anthony Llewellyn

Anthony’s background is as a Consultant Psychiatrist and Medical Executive with 25 years’ experience. Anthony was the Medical Director of the Health Education & Training Institute in NSW, Australia from September 2012 to 2016.
Anthony currently runs his own Management Consultant and Careers Advisory company AdvanceMed where he helps around 1,000 doctors every year with various medical careers challenges.
Anthony is also an Adjunct Associate Professor with the University of Newcastle School of Medicine and Public Health where he contributes to the psychiatry and medical education programs.


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Educational Design

The Flipped Ward Round

(For a quasi-related topic on making efficient use of teaching time, check out the Flipped Classroom here -Jonathan (@sherbino)) By Anthony Llewellyn (@hetimeddir) ...

Educational Design

Time Management and #MedEd

By Anthony Llewellyn (@hetimeddir) I have recently been reviewing a number of Leadership and Management modules produced by the Royal College of Psychiatrists ...


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