The co-hosts answer listener questions, collected via social media and email.
In Part 1, the following questions are tackled:
- What is the difference between Framework and a Theory?
- Why are RCTs not the gold standard for #MedEd Research?
- What is the KeyLIME Podcast origin story?
- Who are “The Habs”?
- How do you prep for a KeyLIME episode?
- Is there enough real estate in #MedEd journals to include all of that methodological documentation that we get asked for?
- How do we address the “Aretha Franklin effect\” (lack of R-E-S-P-E-C-T?) in #MedEd?
- What are Medical Education experiments “good for”?
Plus a few “surprise questions” to wrap things up.
Listen to the episode here. Part 2 coming next week!
If you have any questions you\’d like answered on future shows please email
Access KeyLIME podcast archives here
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