Jonathan Sherbino, MD MEd FRCPC FAcadMEd DRCPSC (CE)

Founding Editor

Jonathan Sherbino

Dr. Sherbino is the Assistant Dean, Health Professions Education Research, Faculty of Health Sciences, McMaster University. He is a professor in the Department of Medicine, McMaster University. Jonathan is the past chair of the Specialty Committee for Emergency Medicine, Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons of Canada.

Jonathan is a Clinician Educator, co-editing the CanMEDS 2015 Framework and co-hosting the KeyLIME (Key Literature in Medical Education) podcast. He is an award-winning teacher, including the national 2018 Emergency Medicine teacher of the year.

His research focuses on clinical reasoning and diagnostic error.

Jonathan thinks he is a gnarly mountain biker; his kids want him to NEVER use that word again.

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