Academic Medicine Supplement Focused on Entrustable Professional Activities


By: Dan Schumacher (@DrDanSchumacher)

The July 2021 issue Academic Medicine contains a supplement focused on entrustable professional activities (EPAs).  This supplement was led by leaders in the ICBME Collaborators and features several authors from this group leading CBME internationally as well.  If you are new to EPAs or seasoned in working with EPAs, this supplement promises to offer articles that will advance your thinking about EPAs and CBME more generally.

All 17 articles included in the supplement can be found here:

EPAs are likely the most widespread worldwide approach to CBME at this time.  However, many of the publications about EPAs to date focus on their development with empirical evidence for their use in assessment and results of implementation in clinical contexts just emerging.  The supplement collates papers from international leaders across a range of specialties and countries for the purpose of presenting the leading edge knowledge and thinking regarding empiric evidence and implementation experiences for EPA-based curricula and assessment.  These include articles focused on:

  • Learning from national efforts to implement EPAs in the United States, Canada, and the Netherlands. 
  • Uniting the continuum of medical education through EPA-based assessment, examining entrustment-supervision levels for the same trainees in pediatrics across medical school, residency, and fellowship.
  • Promoting learner-centeredness and learner agency in EPA-based assessment
  • Building validity arguments for EPA-based programs of assessment
  • Advancing focus on patients in efforts to implement and assess EPAs
  • Advancing focus on written comments in efforts to implement and assess EPAs
  • Future-focused considerations of employing learning analytics and artificial intelligence in EPA-based assessment
  • A development and research agenda fort he next decade, penned by an author team led by Dr. Olle ten Cate who first conceptualized EPAs and has continued to lead their advancement since that time.

EPA image property of the Royal College

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