#AppliedMedEdMethods101: A New Series on Education Research


By Lynfa Stroud (@LynfaStroud)

I am excited to announce and introduce the start of a new ICE series: #AppliedMedEdMethods101.

Have you ever read a study and wished you knew a bit more about the methodology used (maybe not as much as you’d find in a textbook, but a few more details)? Or have you ever had a project you wanted to pursue using a method you weren’t that familiar with? Or are you starting out in medical education and feel a little overwhelmed with all of it? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this series is for you!

Over the next year, a fantastic group of guest bloggers will contribute monthly posts to this series to highlight different topics related to conducting medical education scholarship, using practical examples. Our bloggers will present a range of perspectives, covering both the quantitative and qualitative worlds; some authors are education scientists, others clinician educators. Some of the posts will cover a specific methodology (the approach or strategy employed to answer a research question), whereas others will cover a particular method (the tools or techniques used to collect data) used within different scholarly approaches. We will also have some posts that relate to other practical aspects of conducting research.

We have great line-up of topics planned, but if there is a specific area that you would like to see covered, please let us know. Please also feel free to share questions or comments about each post.

Be sure to look out for our first post – coming to you right after Labour Day!

Featured image via markmags on Pixabay 

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