CanMEDS 2015 and a Milestones Guide


By Jonathan Sherbino (@sherbino)

Back in December 2013, I wrote about the planned updated to the CanMEDS 2015 Framework as we move towards a CBME model  for resident training and specialty practice in Canada.

The Royal College recently released the second draft of the CanMEDS 2015 Framework (called Series II) and is inviting all those interested to comment on the Series II draft. The feedback received will help refine the work of the expert groups and lead to a penultimate draft of the CanMEDS 2015 Framework (Series III is set for release in the fall of 2013).

Go take the survey now. (You can finish reading the post after.  I’ll wait 🙂 )

CanMEDS 2005 vs 2015: What’s the difference?

CanMEDS 2005 described the competencies expected of trainees at the end of their training (i.e., at the point when they are “ready” to enter unsupervised practice).
CanMEDS 2015 (Series II) incorporates for the first time a “milestones guide” describing how competencies can be achieved in a progressive fashion as a learner progresses across the continuum of training—from medical school, through residency, to continuing professional development.  A diagram depicting this integrated continuum is presented in draft form as part of this Series II release.

Other differences includes the minimization of overlap between Roles; incorporation of new competencies addressing patient safety, eHealth and intraprofessionalism, and updated definitions of the seven Roles.

For more information on the CanMEDS 2015 Framework, visit the Royal College website or contact the CanMEDS team at What do you think of the addition of milestones to the Framework? Leave your comments below!

Diagram is Copyright © 2015 The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. Reproduced with permission

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