ICE Book Review [2for1!] – Edgeware & Social Network Analysis


Felix is back with two more (related) books for your CE library.  As always, if you have something you would like us to review, please leave a comment.

–  Jonathan (@sherbino)


By Felix Ankel (@felixankel)

Zimmerman B, C Lindberg and P Plsek. 1998. Edgeware: Lessons from Complexity Science for Health Care Leaders. VHA Incorporated.

Tues post_edgeware.jpgCompetency-based medical education has roots in the Dreyfus brothers’ work on expertise. In their book Mind Over Machine,  the brothers suggest that humans could manage decisions that cannot be replicated by computers. Edgeware serves as a guide for individuals or groups (systems) to develop expertise in complex environments. The increasing complexity of health care and medical education challenges CEs in many areas, including the recruitment of faculty, the assessment of learners and the evaluation of programs. Edgeware introduces CEs to a skill set to help manage complexity using three principles:

  • alignment (leadership),
  • separation (management), and
  • cohesion (communication).

The book goes on to describe the phenomenon of emergence, where the value of relationships between individuals is higher than the value of the individuals.  Emergence results from attention to the principles above.

You may also find that this video on milestones complements this reading.


Lipsitz LA. 2012. Understanding health care as a complex system: the foundation for unintended consequences. JAMA. Jul 18;308(3):243-4


John Scott 2000. Social Network Analysis. SAGE publications.

Traditional hierarchical education administration networks are slowly being replaced by “flat”, interconnected, complex education networks.  With an emphasis on criterion-based outcomes, understanding these complex networks is challenging.

Social network analysis(SNA) is a useful tool to address this issue.

Social Network Analysis is a primer on how to formally evaluate networks.  Scott’s book gives a historical context on the field of SNA, outlines the language to describe networks, and offers a review of software packages that will perform analyses. It is  a dense read for people outside of the field of SNA, but it provides a solid introduction for interested CEs.

Featured image via Pexels

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