Felix Ankel is back with another recommended book for your CE library. If you need to catch up on past book reviews, check out the link in the Category Archives.
– Jonathan (@sherbino)
By Felix Ankel (@felixankel)
Paulo Freire. 2014. Pedagogy of Hope: Reliving Pedagogy of the Oppressed. Bloomsbury Academic.
Medical education is undergoing a seismic shift. Information technology and generational tensions are making hierarchical informational and positional power structures obsolete. The “sage on the stage” lecturing at students to fill heads with information is becoming rare. This individual is being replaced by a networked system of peers that reflect on curated collections of knowledge, work in communities of practice defined by interest rather than title, and generate value by influencing behaviors at the point of contact between patient and physician. Pedagogy of hope is an interesting read for educators interested in the roots of this transformation.
Paulo Freire was a Brazilian educator and advocate for critical pedagogy. Critical pedagogy moves beyond information transfer into disciplines such as critical thinking and reflective practice. Pedagogy of Hope is a personal narrative of some of the challenges in trying to change antiquated systems of education. Although rambling at times, and not specific to medical education, it offers insights to medical educators involved in medical education reform.
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