ICE Book Review – The One World School Schoolhouse: Education Reimagined


By Felix Ankel (@felixankel)

Salman Khan. 2012 The One World School Schoolhouse: Education Reimagined.  Twelve Books.

Fri post_The one world school house.jpgOne of the highlights of the 2014 ICRE conference was Rishi Desai’s keynote presentation about personalized learning in medicine.  Rishi leads the health and medicine area of the Khan academy.

The one world school house is a wonderful narrative of Salman Khan’s journey from hedge fund analyst tutoring his cousin in math (using self-created YouTube

videos) to the leader of a rapidly growing (> 5 million users per month) and influential education non-profit.

In his book, Salman mixes personal experience and anecdotes with well referenced discussions on mastery learning, learning styles, the Prussian Model of education, testing, homework, flipping the classroom, the economics of schooling, education theory, and credentialing.

Medical education is undergoing change with an increasing amount of learning occurring in social networks rather than in lecture halls.  This inspiring book describes how one person was able to move beyond the usual confines of inertia, tradition, and finance to create a disruptive educational force.  Are the lessons learned in primary and secondary education  prescient to medical education? Are we ready for a CE academy?  Faculty development accessible to all, individualized to each? Let us know what you think the system of the future will look like.

Reference: Prober C, Khan S.  Medical education reimagined: A call to action. Acad Med 2013 88:1407-1410.

Featured image via Pexels

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