Oxford Press’s concise, well-written book series on a range of topics from ‘Accounting’ to ‘World Music’ is perfect for the busy Clinician Educator.
Each booklet occupies the sweet spot between a long review article and a textbook. Most books require a (very) short evening to complete. (Ok… so maybe as an emergency physician I have the attention span of a small dog hyped up on methamphetamine, hence my appreciation of this truncated format.)
At ~ $6 CDN for the Kindle version, there is rarely buyer or reader remorse. If you don’t like it, put it down. It only costs the equivalent of a lactose-free, skinny, no whip, cinnamon dolce, venti, latte. (Details about this drug of choice for a future ICEicle)
Icicle image by Vitolef via FreeDigitialPhotos.net