As we all know, one of the hardest things to do as a junior clinician educator is to get up to speed on the foundational literature on a topic. The 2016-2017 Faculty Incubator participants have worked with the Western Journal of Emergency Medicine, to create a series of review articles that summarize the foundational literature on a variety of
#meded topics. Each of these primers selects a few key papers on a topic (e.g. Study Design, Consultations) considered useful for early career faculty. These review articles may also be useful to faculty developers who are looking for inspiration or resources (primers).
Here is a listing of the papers and the topics (with links to the papers):
- Fostering Educational Scholarship (Five Key Papers Fostering Educational Scholarship in Junior Academic Faculty)
- Team Collaboration (Five Key Papers about Team Collaboration Relevant to Emergency Medicine)
Education Theory (Eight Key Papers about Education Theory)
- Consultations in Medical Education (Five Key Papers for Consulting Clinician Educators)
- Teaching with Technology (Key Papers about Teaching with Technology)
- Competency-Based Medical Education (Key Papers about CBME)
- Peer Review (Key Papers about Peer Review)
- Study Design (Five Key Papers about Study Designs in Medical Education)
In 2017-2018, the series will be renamed and moved to (an OA general medical journal).
Here is the first paper in the Curated Collections for Educators series:
- Educational Program Evaluation ( Curated Collections for Educators: Five Key Papers about Program Evaluation).
Happy summer reading!
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