The ICE Blog Celebrates its Second Anniversary!


On September 23, 2013, the International Clinician Educators blog was launched. The blog helps to connect the Clinician Educators around the world.  Perhaps you feel connected.  Perhaps you’re still exploring.  Where ever you are, the editorial board is glad that you’re following.

As we celebrate our second birthday, we’d like to look to the past so that we can dream about the future.

From educational leadership to book reviews, our authors have covered a lot of territory in health professions education. This is post # 210 blog . The sustained production effort is thanks to the incredible work of the blog administrators Mélanie Agnew (2013-14) Lana Dixon (2014-15).

If you are new to blog, our authors include:

  • Jonathan Sherbino, McMaster University, Canada (Editor-in-Chief)
  • Felix Ankel, HealthPartners Institute for Education and Research, USA
  • Jamiu O. Busari, Maastricht University, Netherlands
  • Daniel Cabrera, Mayo Clinic, USA
  • Teresa Chan, McMaster University, Canada
  • Robert Cooney, DLP Conemaugh Memorial Medical Center, USA
  • Damian Roland, University of Leicester, United Kingdom
  • Lynfa Stroud, University of Toronto, Centre of Universe

We would also like to thank Hiroshi Nishigori, Kyoto University, Japan for his past contributions.

General Stats
Here are some weird, random facts.

  • We currently have 2,981 Followers. (2981 ‘bots’ can’t be wrong. Tell your friends!)
  • Our most popular post was on May 5, 2015. (You’ll have to look the post up yourself.)
  • 94% of our subscribers have found the blog via Twitter. (Our carrier pigeon program was less successful.)
  • We have grown 1100% when comparing the end of 2013 to today. (So, 19 followers X 11 equals…)
  • 127 countries are represented in our audience
  • The top five countries by number of subscribers are:
    • United States
    • Canada
    • United Kingdom
    • Australia
    • Netherlands


So, what’s next for the ICE Blog?
As we continue growing, we want to make sure we continue to meet the needs of our audience, while addressing emerging changes to health professions education..

Some of the key changes we’re looking to implement in year 3 are:

  • More guest authors
  • Launch of a new blog design
  • Adding AV media to posts
  • Introduction of new mini posts called ICEicles – see our latest post here (new one coming tomorrow!)

Finally, we can’t acknowledge all the work that has gone into making this blog a success without thanking you – our dedicated, loyal, subscribers. You have helped us to reach many goals and you challenge us to strive to meet higher goals.

What do you love… what can you not wait to see disappear? As always, please share your thoughts in the comments below or by emailing

Image S Briggs via flickr under Creative Commons License CC2.0

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