Work-based Assessment Programs for #Meded (Part 2)


By Teresa Chan (@TChanMD)

On Tuesday, I reflected on how junior faculty have a unique perspective on the assessment of trainees.   Today, I would like to link to an important medical education movement that has stemmed from the emergency medicine & critical care online education community: the free open access medical education (#FOAMed) movement.  I am please to announce the release of the McMaster Assessment Program (McMAP) via ALiEM Press.

mcmap-senior-304x400As described in our paper in Academic Medicine, the McMaster Modular Assessment Program (McMAP) is a portfolio of 78 daily assessment exercises that incorporate the clinical environment and scaffold faculty-member observation.

These three e-books represent a spiral model for increasing sophistication of practice throughout residency training.

Click below to link to the iTunes Pages:

Or write us at for more information (and possibly a PDF copy) if you are unable to access the booklets on iTunes.

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